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Preparing to Travel to an Ayahuasca Retreat: The Must-Know Items

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The journey to an Ayahuasca retreat is not just a trip; it’s a pilgrimage into the depths of one’s soul, facilitated by the ancient Amazonian brew known for its powerful psychedelic effects. Ayahuasca has gained global recognition for its potential to induce profound spiritual experiences and emotional healing. If you’re considering this transformative journey, there are several essential aspects you should be aware of to prepare adequately.

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Traveling: How Much Does an Ayahuasca Retreat Cost?

The cost of Ayahuasca retreats can vary widely, depending on the location, duration, and the inclusivity of the program. Prices typically range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. This cost often covers accommodations, meals, ceremonies, and sometimes additional healing practices and workshops. It’s crucial to research and choose a retreat that is transparent about costs and includes all necessary components for a safe and guided experience.

3 Tips When Preparing to Travel to an Ayahuasca Retreat

  1. Mind and Body Preparation: Before embarking on this journey, it’s advisable to prepare both mentally and physically. This can involve meditating, practicing mindfulness, or journaling to set intentions. Physically, adhering to a clean diet and abstaining from alcohol, drugs, and certain medications is essential to reduce the risk of adverse reactions.
  2. Understanding the Legal Landscape: Ayahuasca contains DMT, a substance that is illegal in many countries, including parts of the United States. However, certain religious groups are granted exemptions. It’s important to understand the legal status of Ayahuasca in the area you’re considering and choose a retreat that operates within the legal framework.
  3. Choosing the Right Retreat: Look for retreats with experienced facilitators, a strong emphasis on safety, and positive reviews from previous participants. A supportive environment is crucial for navigating the intense experiences Ayahuasca can induce.
Travel to an Ayahuasca Retreat - Ayahuasca Retreat

3 States in the US Known for Great Ayahuasca Retreats

While Ayahuasca remains in a legal grey area in the United States, several states have become known for hosting retreats within legal religious frameworks:


Known for its progressive stance on alternative healing and spirituality, California offers a variety of retreats, especially in more secluded, natural areas.

  1. Agape Ayahuasca: Located in San Diego, Agape Ayahuasca is committed to providing a safe and nurturing space for individuals to experience the profound healing and transformational properties of Ayahuasca. They emphasize preparation, ceremonial respect, and post-experience integration support​ (Agape Ayahuasca Retreats San Diego)​​ 
  2. Sacred Valley Spiritual Retreat: Situated near Mount Shasta, Sacred Valley Spiritual Retreat is renowned for its holistic approach, combining indigenous wisdom with a variety of healing methods to tailor each experience to the individual’s needs. Although their Ayahuasca ceremonies are conducted in Peru, they offer preparatory and integrative services in California


With its vast natural beauty and a strong community interested in plant medicine, Oregon has become a hub for Ayahuasca ceremonies.

  1. Cosmic Valley Native American Church: Located in Eugene, Oregon, this church conducts Ayahuasca ceremonies that welcome people of diverse backgrounds. The retreats, held close to the Owen Rose Garden, span over two days and include two Ayahuasca tea ceremonies with a chakra yoga session in between. To attend, participants need to be members of the Native American Church and have an approved CNAC application. This retreat is known for having one of the lowest donation fees for a legal Ayahuasca church in the US​ (Safe Psychedelic Retreats)​​ 
  2. Aya Healing Retreats: Although not directly mentioned in the sources as hosting retreats in Oregon, Aya Healing Retreats has a strong connection to the state. One of their facilitators, Anna Keppen, completed a clinical therapy program in Oregon with the intention of pursuing a career in legal psychedelic-assisted therapy within the state. The retreats facilitated by Aya Healing are known for integrating various healing modalities, including body movement, sound healing, and medicine music, with a focus on the Shipibo tradition of Ayahuasca​ (Aya Healing Retreats)​.


Florida is home to several churches and groups legally hosting Ayahuasca ceremonies, leveraging religious exemptions.

  1. Hummingbird Church: Based in the heart of Florida, Hummingbird Church creates a sanctuary for those on a path of self-discovery and transformation. They offer experiences centered around Ayahuasca’s sacred practice, providing a serene environment for introspection and growth.
  2. Church of Mother Earth: This Florida-based organization offers Ayahuasca retreats with a focus on spiritual growth and healing within a legal and safe framework. They often collaborate with indigenous leaders and healers to provide authentic experiences.

How Does Ayahuasca Change You?

Participants often report profound changes after an Ayahuasca experience. These can include deep psychological insights, emotional healing, and a sense of connection with the universe. The intense introspection and visions induced by Ayahuasca can lead to significant shifts in perspective, helping individuals to confront and release past traumas and negative patterns.

Can Ayahuasca Treat Anxiety?

There is growing anecdotal evidence and preliminary research suggesting that Ayahuasca may have therapeutic benefits for treating conditions like anxiety and depression. The deep introspective experiences can provide users with new insights into their conditions, potentially leading to breakthroughs in treatment-resistant cases. However, it’s important to approach Ayahuasca with caution, as it’s not a guaranteed cure and should be considered part of a broader treatment plan.

Does Ayahuasca Increase Anxiety?

For some, the intense experience of an Ayahuasca ceremony can initially heighten feelings of anxiety. The confrontation with deep-seated fears and traumas can be overwhelming. However, many report that this initial increase in anxiety is part of the process that ultimately leads to greater peace and resolution. Proper support and guidance from experienced facilitators are crucial in navigating these challenging aspects of the experience.

What Happens on an Ayahuasca Retreat?

An Ayahuasca retreat typically spans several days and includes multiple ceremonies, allowing participants to dive deep into their subconscious and spiritual exploration. These retreats often incorporate additional healing practices such as yoga, meditation, and workshops on integration and understanding the Ayahuasca experience. The communal aspect of these retreats also provides a supportive environment for sharing and healing.

How Much Does Agape Ayahuasca Cost?

Agape Ayahuasca is one example of a retreat center that offers Ayahuasca ceremonies. Like many retreats, the cost can vary based on the duration of the stay, the accommodations, and the additional services provided. Prices can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. It’s important to contact such centers directly for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information.

Final Thoughts on Ayahuasca Retreats

The journey to an Ayahuasca retreat is a deeply personal and profound experience that can lead to significant spiritual and emotional growth. However, it’s crucial to approach this journey with respect, proper preparation, and a clear understanding of the potential risks and benefits. Choosing the right retreat, preparing mentally and physically, and approaching the experience with an open heart and mind can significantly impact the outcomes of your Ayahuasca journey. It’s also essential to consider the integration process post-retreat, as the insights and revelations gained during ceremonies often require time and reflection to fully assimilate into one’s life.

The decision to participate in an Ayahuasca ceremony should not be taken lightly. It requires a commitment to face potentially challenging aspects of oneself and the willingness to undergo profound transformation. The costs, both financial and emotional, can be significant, but for many, the potential for healing and growth outweighs these considerations.

Ayahuasca retreats offer a unique and powerful opportunity for deep healing and spiritual exploration. However, they are not a one-size-fits-all solution and may not be suitable for everyone. It’s crucial to conduct thorough research, consult healthcare professionals, especially if you have pre-existing conditions or mental health issues, and deeply reflect on your intentions and readiness for such an experience.

In conclusion, preparing for an Ayahuasca retreat involves much more than packing a bag; it requires preparing your mind, body, and spirit for a journey that could be one of the most significant of your life. With the right preparation, guidance, and mindset, an Ayahuasca retreat can provide a transformative experience that opens new pathways to understanding, healing, and connection with the deeper aspects of reality. Remember, the journey doesn’t end with the retreat; integrating the experience into your daily life is where the true transformation unfolds.